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Wide World of Charts

January 23, 2012

Extremely Bearish Pattern in US Dollar Take Place Last Week? (ChrisKimble)

One Year Trading Range Charts By Country (Bespoke)

Video: Joe Puts his 2 Cents in on Apple Before Earnings (JoeFahmy)

$QQQ Breakout or Fakeout? (TheTechnicalTake)

Stock Trading is Lowest in US Since 2008 (CrossingWallStreet)

Robert Sinn's Pairs Trade: Long Gold Miners (GDX) / Short S&P500 (TheStockSage)

Scott Redler: $SHLD Finally Breaks After Big 6-Day Short Squeeze  (T3Live)

Orbitz Worldwide About to Make a Move (chessNwine)

Carter Worth: Exercise Caution into $SBUX Earnings (CNBC)

AAII Sentiment Survey: So What?! (MarketPlayground)

The Bright Future of Shale Gas (CarpeDiem)

Tom Brakke on the Red Hot Muni Market (ResearchPuzzle)

Charts worth watching this week - Stocks, Currencies, Commodities (PeterLBrandt)

Treasury Yields Likely to Rise in 2012 (PragmaticCapitalism)

Tom Demark: S&P Close to Top, Bullish on $DAX, Bearish on Bunds (DistressedVolatility)

Economic Indicators Dashboard (ChartPorn)

Complacency Risk is High (ZeroHedge)

Check out this $NKE Fuelband with App that Charts your Activity (FastCoDesign)



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