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Wide World of Charts

November 18, 2011
(Click Chart to Embiggen)


Two Volatility Charts Point to a Bullish Entry Point (PragCap)

Do Not Try to 'Trade the News' Unless you Know what you're Doing (KidDynamite)

Robert Sinn: Time to get Bearish? (TheStockSage)

S&P500 and Nasdaq 50 Day Moving Average (Bespoke and CrossingWallStreet)

Paul Brodsky - Gold Trading at 80% Discount to Intrinsic Value (KWN)

How to Identify Program Trading (DynamicHedge)

The Small-Large-Europe Disconnect (Ritholtz)

Identify the Primary Market Trend Using Dow Theory (ChrisPerruna)

Scum/Reversals that trap bears set up nice Long Trades (HCPG)

RIP Teen Workforce: 16-19 Year Old Employment Falls off a Cliff (EconompicData)

Seasonal Top in 30-Year Treasury (StockTradersAlmanac)

France & Italy 10-Year Govt Bond Spread (ChartoftheDay)

Remarkable Rise and Fall of Gov. Perry on Intrade (CarpeDiem)

Chart via Kangarootail

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