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Wide World of Charts

June 17, 2011

Technician Carter Worth talks $SPX & 150 Day Smoothing Mechanism (WashingtonPost)

Why do the Accumulation Distribution Line and On Balance Volume Sometimes Diverge (Stockcharts)

My Favorite Trading Quotes/Advice (TraderHabits)

Robert Sinn: Why I went Long Yesterday (TheStockSage)

Textbook Bounce Off the 200 day Moving Average (BigPicture, HCPG)

Spain 10-year Bond Yields - Most Important Chart in the World? (PragmaticCapitalism)

Quick Poll: Is the next 5% move in the S&P500 Higher or Lower (PhilPearlman)

The Russell2000 Rebalancing Act (Zortrades)

Signs of Bottoming by Springheel Jack (SlopeofHope)

$AAPL Closes below 200 day Moving Average for the First time in 551 Days (Bespoke)

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