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Wide World of Charts

June 9, 2011

I’m in Northern California this week taking care of some business. Since I’m out here, I’m trying my best to enjoy some of the best “fruit” that the area has to offer. Meanwhile, here is what I’m reading this morning:

DJIA and S&P500 Down First 6 Days of the Month First time since October 2008 (StockTradersAlmanac)

Call Me When the S&P Hits 1600 (ChartsAndCoffee)

The Number on Everyone's Tongue is 1250 (ReformedBroker)

Jesse Livermore and Living to Fight another Day (chessNwine)

Scott Redler: The Market is Very Oversold at these Levels, and a relief Bounce Would seem Likely at some point in the near Future (Minyanville)

Trade Balance Improves Since in April (EconomPicData)

Which Treasury ETF is Right for Your Personality (DragonflyCapital)

Weekly Unemployment Claims: An Unexpected Rise and Upward Revisions (dshort)

At this point the spread between $GDX and $GLD is simply ludicrous (DynamicHedge)

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