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Wide World of Charts - Weekend Edition

June 4, 2011

Pullback is 2nd longest in Duration Since March 09 Bottom, But One of Smallest % losses (FundMyMutualFund)

Market Health Check (SlopeOfHope)

30-Year Treasuries Monthly (SINGERSMARKET)

Silver is Tracing Out 1980 Post-Bubble Pattern (PragmaticCapitalism)

Unemployment and the Market: A 62-Year Perspective (dshort)

Video - Stock Market Analysis with Brian Shannon (Alphatrends)

Sam Stovall Technical Signals Aren’t Encouraging for a Similar Turn of Fortunes (Barrons)

Investors Have Shifted to Defense the Last 3 Months (WSJ)

Looking for a Short-term Trade Bounce on $SPY using Bollinger Bands (HCPG)

Retailers Bear Brunt of Selling Pressure (Stockcharts)

This Time is Different....Employment Edition (EconomPicData)

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