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Trend Analysis with Brian Shannon

May 18, 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you Brian Shannon:

I've been watching Brian's videos for years going all the way back to the Pre-Stocktwits days. In early 2007 I was already watching his videos religiously on YouTube (Click here for the throwback). After passing the Level 3 exam of the CMT Program, his book Technicial Analysis Using Multiple Timeframes was the first book on Technicals that I read voluntarily. I was actually leaving to Italy to propose to my wife and Brian did me the favor of overnighting the book so I would have it in time to take on my flight. I had it read cover to cover by the time we landed in Rome. Bottom Line - if you haven't gotten a chance to get your copy, I suggest you do so immediately.

Since those days, Brian Shannon and I have become friends because Stocktwits is so awesome and in February we met and had some beers in New York City. Maybe one day I'll be able to show him how well a kid from Miami, FL can dominate the ski slopes of his home state of Colorado.

Meanwhile, be sure to check out and he is a MUST FOLLOW on Stocktwits @alphatrends

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