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Tweets Spread like Wildfire

May 16, 2011

This is so cool:

From Fastcodesign via SocialFlow:

"By now, we're all familiar with the story of Keith Urbahn, the former chief of staff to Donald Rumsfeld who was the very first person in the world to break the news, via Twitter, that the U.S. had killed Osama Bin Laden. I'd venture to say that it was the single-most important tweet ever tweeted; people everywhere have described it spreading "like wildfire".

Well, what does "wildfire" look like on the Twitterverse? That is, what is the anatomy of a news story rippling across the network?"

This is what it looks like, easily one of the coolest infographics that I've seen in a while. I get the feeling that with Twitter growing, this is not the last time that we'll see something like this.


"As they note, Urbahn wasn't necessarily the first to suggest that OBL had been killed. But it was his tweet that roiled the Twitterverse. Why him? You wouldn't have guessed it, based on his previous Twitter activity, that he could impact so many millions. But what he did have was trust: As a Washington insider, he was followed by the right people. His resume--with the connection to Donald Rumsfeld--provided ballast, and heavyweights such as Brian Stelter of The New York Times lent him credence by retweeting him"

You never know who is listening....



Infographic of the Day: The Tweet that Broke News of Osama's Killing (Fastcodesigh)

Breaking Bin Laden - Visualizing the power of a single tweet (SocialFlow)

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