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Tweets Per Second Hit 52-week High

May 3, 2011

This is a great chart:

[caption id="attachment_1230" align="aligncenter" width="606" caption="Click on Chart to Make Bigger"][/caption]


Is it Twittersphere or Twitterverse?

Regardless, it went bonkers Sunday night. I was sitting at home watching highlights of the Heat/Celtics game over and over again on Sportscenter. I couldn't get enough. All of a sudden I look at my computer to see:

That could only mean one thing - We Found him!!

Everyone else started going nuts. @TheStalwart was Tweeting live from Ground Zero. @TALENTEDBLONDE starts hollering from out in Arizona. It was pandemonium on Twitter. The markets were up across the board (see here). At one point there were over 5,000 tweets per second. Try to process that for a hot minute. FIVE THOUSAND Tweets per second.

All this was happening around midnight on a Sunday. Obama comes out on every channel to confirm what we already knew and from what I understand, Twitter had more sustained tweets per second than ever before. Do you think the valuation of Twitter just went up or what?



Chart via Flowing Data

Also See:

God Bless America (Allstarcharts)

Bid Laden's death sets Twitter record for sustained rate of Tweets (LA Times)

Bid Laden's Capture another turning Point for US Dollar? (Bespoke)

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