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NCAA Final Four Seeds make History

April 3, 2011

College Basketball Season is coming to an end. One more game Monday Night between UCONN and Butler to decide it all. Just about any way you look at it, UConn-Butler is the most unlikely national title game in tourney history

Cork Gaines over at Business Insider Sports Page put together a great chart. He adds up the value of this year's Final Four seeds and compares them to the totals in previous years. Not surprisingly, we get the largest sum ever (26).


[caption id="attachment_138" align="aligncenter" width="607"] Sum of the Seeds to make the Final Four[/caption]


I think it's great for the sport when the smaller schools beat up on the teams that were supposed to win. These "Analysts" are still trying to tell us that VCU should not have made the tournament in the first place. What does that even mean?

I've noticed that these guys know less than the stock analysts we have hear all day. In fact, of the 12 "experts" to pick a final four, 10 did not have a single correct team in the Final Four. The other two brackets had just a single team among those remaining (UCONN). (ESPN)

I'd like so see Butler win this year. Good luck boys.


You can read the rest of the story here:

Chart of the Day: This Year's FInal Four is Not as Crazy as you Think


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