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Welcome To The Minor Leagues!

December 22, 2020

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

In a further effort to identify individual equities that fit within our larger more Macro thesis, we couldn't be happier to roll out and share our latest bottoms-up scan: "The Minor Leaguers."

We'll also be writing a post every other week where we outline some of our favorite setups from the watchlist. This is the first edition.

Moving forward, we'll be rotating this column with "Under The Hood" each week.

In order to make it onto our Minor League list you must have a market cap between $1 and $2B. There are also price and liquidity filters.

Then, we simply sort the stocks by their percentage from new highs. Easy.

And what better time than now to launch a small-cap focused column!? We've seen very strong evidence of a structural rotation down the market cap scale, suggesting a new period of outperformance from small-caps in recent months/quarters.

This should be a great way to take advantage of that trend. Let's dive right in!

Here's this week's table. We've sorted it by proximity to all-time highs, and included all those names that are within 10%.

As many of you know, we've already put out trade ideas in a lot of these stocks through our Under The Hood column this year. Seeing this kind of overlap in our various scans and universes simply confirms that they're working, and have us looking in the right areas.

With that said, let's take a look at some brand new names that we want to be buying right now.

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