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[Premium] Three Charts For The Week Ahead

March 1, 2021

We retired our "Five Bull Market Barometers" in mid-July to make room for a new weekly post that's focused on the three most important charts for the week ahead.

This is that post, so let's jump into this week's edition.

Last week we focused on Lead, Zinc & Nifty Small-Cap 100.

Let's move into this week's topics.

1.  The first chart we're looking at is India's 10-year Government Bond Yield. As mentioned in our latest post, we are more concerned with the Rate of Change of the yield rather than the change of yield. We're keeping a close eye on bond yields across the globe in order to decipher any signals going forward.

Click on chart to enlarge view.

2. The second chart we're tracking is Nifty Mid-Cap 100. As the market rally progresses, the participation of mid-, and small-cap shares adds to the bullish sentiment as the rally becomes a broader market rally rather than a concentrated large-cap rally. This monthly chart of Mid-Cap 100 alludes to the strong move that we are witnessing in the market at present. The indicator moving into a bullish regime on a monthly chart bodes well for the market as well.

We are bullish above 20,770, beyond which we will look out for 31,780.

3. The third chart we're looking at is Nifty Energy. This index is registering a strong move after moving past its resistance of 16,530. As the Energy index catches up to the market, a whole new set of stocks will be on the radar for big base breakouts. Rotation into energy stocks can be seen across the globe, so this is one space we are tracking closely.

We are bullish above 16,530 and will look out for 23,830 next.

In our view, these charts will help set the tone for this week and provide us information on how we should approach the market in the coming weeks.

Also, make sure to check out our other weekly post, "Trade Of The Week."

Thanks for reading and please let us know if you have any questions.

Allstarcharts Team