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Wide World of Charts

June 29, 2011

Peter Brandt thinks Silver is headed to $20 (PeterLBrandt)

Opening Heaven's Copper Door (chessNwine)

Yield Curves: 10-Year, AAA, BAA (WorldBeta)

Greg Harmon: Macro Economic Clues Through Metals Charts (DragonflyCapital)

The Cost of Reducing Government Debt (Economist)

A Tribute to Traders: "Trading Is....." (Howard Lindzon) via (ChicagoSean)

Housing Charts: Existing Home Inventory (CalculatedRisk)

Sam Stovall Talks Markets: Look for High Div Yield in Consumer Staples & Industrials (MSNBC)

What About Those Levels (DerekHernquist)

Traders & Investors: Trying to Improve your Quarterback Rating (T3Live)

Hot Julys and Summer Rallies (StockTradersAlmanac)

2011 Is Looking A Lot Like.... (Bespoke)

Average Minutes Per Visitor: Google vs Facebook (Silicon Alley Insider)


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